Blood and it’s function, Basic knowledge of blood, Best notes on blood(1)

Blood and it’s function

Blood, Functions of blood, Important notes about blood(1)

The study of blood is called serology or hematology. It is a natural colloid, blood is a connective tissue, now we talk about what is the pH value of blood, so for your information, I can tell that the pH value of blood is 7.4, it means blood is alkali. Now we talk about how much blood is inside a healthy person, so for your information, I can tell that there is 5.5-liter blood inside a healthy male and 5 liter of blood inside a healthy female.

Now let’s talk about where the formation of blood is done, then in adult person, the formation of blood is done in the Bone marrow and in embryo, the formation of blood is done in the liver. Now we know where blood is stored, then blood is stored in our body in spleen. After our death the grave of blood is still called the spleen.

Now let us talk about Hemoglobin, our blood is red in colour due to hemoglobin, iron is found in hemoglobin. So now talk about how much Hemoglobin is found in male and female, then Hemoglobin is found in 14g/dL in a healthy male and 13g/dL in a healthy female.

Blood and it’s function:-

Blood, Functions of blood, Important notes about blood(1)
Functions of blood

The main functions of blood in our body it’s control the temperature. It also functions in the transport of nutrients and plays an important role in the exchange of gases. It transport the excretory material.

Blood and it’s function

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