Blood clotting, Clotting of blood, How is blood clotting formed, Cascade process, Important notes on blood clotting(1)

Clotting of blood, Blood clotting Now we are going to read what is blood clotting. When there is a scratch somewhere in our body, then blood starts coming out from there and after some time the blood accumulates there, that is called blood clotting. If the blood clot is not formed, then the blood flow … Read more

Blood and it’s function, Basic knowledge of blood, Best notes on blood(1)

Blood and it’s function The study of blood is called serology or hematology. It is a natural colloid, blood is a connective tissue, now we talk about what is the pH value of blood, so for your information, I can tell that the pH value of blood is 7.4, it means blood is alkali. Now … Read more