Nomenclature of optical isomers: D&L system and R&S system, with best notes(1)

Nomenclature of optical isomers 1. D&L system of nomenclature of optical isomers The definition of R&S configuration is more precise & quiet different D&L configuration. The D&L nomenclature was done in old system. The original system of nomenclature was started with the enantiomers of a standard compound glyceraldehyde one enantiomers rotate the plane of polarized … Read more

Stereoisomerism, types of stereoisomerism, optical activity, Geometrical isomerism in alkene, asymmetric and dissymmetric molecules, organic chemistry-3 with best notes

Stereoisomerism Stereoisomerism is a form of isomerism in which molecules have the same molecular formula and same structural formula but different in arrangement of atoms in a space. It is also defined as the particular kind of isomers that are different from each other only in the way the atoms are oriented in a space. … Read more

Fats and oils, Difference between fats and oils, Fatty acid, Glycerol, Lipid, Fatty acid reactions, with best notes(1)

Fats and oils Fats and oils belong to the natural occurring group of compounds called lipids. All fats and oils are belonged to lipids but all lipids are not fats and oils. Fats and oils are esters, it is able to saponify. Natural fats and oils are the pi-esters of glycerol with long chain carboxylic … Read more

Aromatic acid – Acidity, Important reaction, Physical properties and uses of aromatic acid(1)

Aromatic acid When carboxylic acid replaced one hydrogen atom in benzene ring then it forms aromatic acids. The aromatic acid group is called a phenyl group. Aromatic acid can be found in many different foods, such as coffee, chocolate and red wine. They are also used in the production of perfumes and other fragrancesNote:- Phenylacetic … Read more