Introduction of pharmaceutical inorganic chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, in easy language(1)

Pharmaceutical chemistry

Pharmaceutical chemistry is a branch of chemistry that deals with the chemical, biochemical and pharmacological aspects of drugs.

It includes synthesis, isolation identification, structural elucidation, structure modification, structure activity relationship studies(SAR) biochemical changes after drug administration and their pharmacological effects.

Inorganic chemistry

inorganic chemistry is a study of the all elements and their compounds except carbon and its compound.

Inorganic compounds:-

organic compound are those that are found in biological system. In general organic chemistry say that any molecule containing carbon is an organic compound and hence this means that inorganic chemistry deals with the compounds or molecules which lack carbon atom.

Pharmaceutical chemistry:-

pharmaceutical chemistry deals with the structure of chemical, nature, composition, preparation, studies of physical and chemical properties methods of quality control and condition of their uses.

The subject is further subdivided into various branches like:-

1. Inorganic chemistry
2. Organic chemistry
3. Analytical chemistry
4. Physical chemistry
5. Phytochemistry
6. Medicinal chemistry
7. Biochemistry

Pharmaceutical inorganic chemistry:-

study of pharmaceutical applications of inorganic compounds led to establishment of a new Avenue called pharmaceutical inorganic chemistry “which deals with the study of both non-essential and essential elements in their preparations standard of purity, test for identification, limit test to be performed for determining the quality extent of purity, different formulation, their storage condition and therapeutic uses.

Importance of inorganic pharmaceuticals:-

Introduction of pharmaceutical inorganic chemistry, In easy language pharmaceutical inorganic chemistry(1)

1. For therapeutic purpose
2. To change the reaction of body fluid either by acidifier or  alkalizer.
3. Replacing or replenishing the normal content of body fluids.
4. In pharmaceutical analysis.


Derived from Greek word ‘pharmakon’ means drug and ‘poeia’ means to make. It is a legal and official book issued by a recognized authorities  usually appointed by government of each country.
It comprises list of pharmaceutical substance, formula along with their description and standards.

pharmaceutical inorganic chemistry pharmaceutical inorganic chemistry

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