Different techniques of pharmaceutical analysis, Chemical methods, Instrumental method, Biological method, with full concept(1)

Different techniques of pharmaceutical analysis

They are various techniques of pharmaceutical analysis which can be divided into two major categories:-
1. Qualitative analysis
2. Quantitative analysis

Different techniques of pharmaceutical analysis

1. Qualitative analysis

A completely unknown sample is analyzed to determine the presence or absence of certain substances in the sample, then this technique is known as qualitative analysis.

Qualitative analysis is based on current or absent phenomena. These kind of analysis confirm the presence or absence of a component in sample to be analyzed.
Example:- color reaction test, limit test, melting or boiling point……

2. Quantitative analysis

A completely unknown sample is analyzed to determine the presence or absence of certain substances in the sample, then this technique is known as qualitative analysis.

Qualitative analysis is based on current or absent phenomena. This category of analysis involves the quantitative determination of compounds in the sample.

Different techniques of pharmaceutical analysis
Different techniques of pharmaceutical analysis

Quantitative analysis is sub-divided into following parts:

1. Chemical methods
(a). Volumetric method (b). Gravimetric method
2. Instrumental method
3. Microbiological methods
4. Biological methods

1. Chemical method

(a). Volumetric method: In volumetric method measurement of volume of solution is taken as parameter for essay. The volume of a known as strength of a solution that are required to react completely with the substance to be analyzed is measured.

The quality of analyte is determined from the volume of solution by calculation the solution or reagent is called as titrant and the analyte to be analyzed in terms as titrate.
The ideal characteristic in this method to be consider are that the regents selected should react to rapidly with the analyte the reaction must be complete and there should be some method of detection to be detect the end of reaction.

Volumetric or titrimetric methods are repaid and user friendly compared to gravimetric methods. then performed volumetric methods are classified into different types depending upon the type of reaction involved in reaction in which are as follow:-
1. Neutralization titrations
2. Non-Adour titrations
3. Precipitation titrations
4. Complexometric titrations

(b). Gravimetric methods:- in gravimetric method analysis, quantitative is done on the basic of weight of compounds. This process involves isolation and weighting of compounds is known composition, i.e. present form.

The analysis is carried out of various process such as precipitation, volatilization, electroanalytical etc precipitation and volatilization are widely employed methods gravimetric analysis is time consuming compared to other techniques. It is useful for the examination of components for the presence of impurities.

2. Instrumental methods

These methods involve there uses of instruments to measure the physical or chemical property of compound to be analyzed thus lead to quantitation of the compound.

3. Microbiological methods

Microbiological methods are employed for compound especially for antibiotics, for which the chemical are not useful. Their methods involve the determination of inhibition of growth of bacteria by the substance to be analyzed in comparison with the standard compounds on the basic of result in therapeutic efficacy of antibiotics are decided.

4. Biological methods

Biological are carried out of observe the biological effect of the drug on some type of living matter. These is also called the bioassays.

These are recommended when the chemical or physical methods are not capable to estimate the potency of drug. Bioassays involve the measurements of various parameter including weight of tissue of organ, weight of organs blood, parameters such as blood, glucose, cholesterol, urea enzyme….. etc


complete the Different techniques of pharmaceutical analysis, Different techniques of pharmaceutical analysis, Different techniques of pharmaceutical analysis.

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