What all do you need to start a website, 4 thing that are necessary to run any website, Website is the best way of knowledge one step towards new digital India

4 thing that are necessary to run any website

4 thing that are necessary to run any website. We have covered a lot of introductions on what is digital marketing, why digital marketing, what do you need for Digital Marketing, what are the different channels, what kind of marketer do you want to be, and which channel do you want to be an expert in. So, we have talked about them briefly and we know I have also discussed that you need to start a website for proving to the world that you have the skills that a digital marketer possesses because that’s the only way to prove to the world that yes you have cotton results and with this article now, we are going to dive deeper and deeper into what kind of things do you need to start a website. 4 thing that are necessary to run any website.

What all do you need to start a website, 4 things that are necessary to run any website
What all do you need to start a website.

Domain name

The first thing that you need to have before starting a website is a domain name now “what is a domain name” domain name is actually the Identity of your website. It’s the name that people will use that you will use to open up your website on the browser. Example:- https://mimprovement.com. Here is .com, .com is called the domain extension on, it can be .in, you can choose .com, .co, .in, .xyz any kind of domain name is available for you to register but provided that it should be available and it has not been registered by somebody else because no to the domain in the work in this world can be same. So, you will always have to check the availability of the domain name that you want for your business or for your you don’t sell. As you know maybe your name is already been booked by somebody else who has the same name because the names are quite common. This is the first reason that tells you 4 thing that are necessary to run any website


After you’ve got your domain name the next thing that you need is the hosting, now “what is the hosting” this is the server where your website will reside, where the contents of your website will reside and you can be treated as the memory card of your website. Just like in your phone you have the internal storage and you can even have an external hard disk or something like that there is some storage capacity present in your phone where you can store your pictures, audiophiles, your documents, your videos, and other apps that you have on your phone. Similarly, for the website content, the website content will have some size like you know if you add in photographs on your website those photographs are to be of a certain size. So, everything is going to take up some space even if you have some text on your website that is going to be some KB and MB in size, you can be very actually depending upon the multimedia you are uploading on your website. We are going to see how to do all of that and where you can check the sizes and all but before that, you need to understand that the server that you buy the hosting that you buy is you know you can be treated as the memory for your website content and this website hosting will be linked to your domain name such that it will be available for the world to see 24/7. So you know why the domain name in your website will be available for the world to see 24/7 even when you were sleeping your website will be live and you know at some other corner around the world somebody might be in viewing your website, that’s the power of internet nowadays and that is why you know we are building funnels and we are building in a market where automating a lot of stuff in digital marketing so that you know when we have settings of one, people can come in and shop from your website also and know they can leave a comment or we can leave a message for you which you can check owner late a time when you are available. So, you know you need to have a domain name and the hosting these two are the must and these two have to be linked together. This is the second reason that tells you 4 thing that are necessary to run any website.

Professional Emails

The third thing that you must have is a professional email, “what are the professional email and why have I mentioned them” professional emails are the emails that end with your domain name, like right now you must be using gmail.com email id that my email ID is you know the [email protected], similarly you might be something else but in case of a website you know you have the option to create a professional email that will end with your domain name so you know one example of it can be [email protected] so this is going to be in email id which you can you give to your employees like to know if you have 5 employees in your company or you know if you have just one employee you want to add a professional email for your name like it can be [email protected]. This is the third reason that tells you 4 thing that are necessary to run any website.

Content management system

What all do you need to start a website, 4 things that are necessary to run any website

The next thing that you need to know what all do you need to start a website, this is a content management system. This is the system; this is the software that will allow you to create your website without knowing to code and there are a lot of content management systems out there but I am not going to waste time in going in talking about all the other available. I will talk directly about the one which we are going to use which is the most popular in the world and that is WordPress. WordPress is the content management system that we are going to set up on your posting, it is the system obviously, is a piece of code a lot of files that come to WordPress, that provide you the flexibility to design a website without coding and where it has a lot of advantages it has some limitations as well and be able to cover them as well and then you know to cover all those limitations up. We have some other tools and services that you going to talk about which you can use, some of them are going to be free of them are going to be paid you can choose as per your business requirements as per your digital marketing journey requirements. So, WordPress we are going to build a fully functional website dynamic website that you can use to start blogging from day one Excel when they are going to do so in the upcoming article, so stay with us. This is the forth reason that tells you 4 thing that are necessary to run any website.

4 thing that are necessary to run any website.

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