Ears, functions of ear, Outer part of ear, Inner part of ear, sense organs, Some important notes about ears(2)


Ears is such a part of our body due to which we are able to hear something or someone. The sound of any object stays on our ears for 0.1 second. The ear is the residual part of our body, the residual organs are such parts of our body which used to do the work of the body when humans lived in the forests in ancient times, but are not used in today’s humans. Today it is used for wearing masks and wearing glasses.

Functions of Ear

The main function of ear is to maintain the balance of the whole body, if you do not understand how the ear maintains balance, then I will tell you by looking at the example of animals, you must have seen that when a dog or cat is afraid of seeing anything or runs away, it runs by keeping its ears and tail at 90 degrees, in this way the balance of its body remains and it is easy to run. Ears are made of cartilage; Cartilage is soft bone and it is a residual organ.

Ears, functions of ear, Outer part of ear, Inner part of ear, sense organs, Some important notes about ears(2)

Now let’s talk about which organ is the ear made up of and how does it work: –

Outer part of ears

The outer part of the ear is called pinna which we can see with the help of eyes. Its main function is to maintain balance. It is made of cartilage. There are 7 parts of a pinna but we will read about the main two parts.
1. Helix: – This is the upper part of our ear which is slightly curved.
2. Lobule: – Or our ear is the soft part in which women wear earrings.

Inner part of ear

Now we are going to study the inner part of the ear. In the inner part of the ear we read that when sound enters inside the ear, the way through which it enters is called canal. When the sound moves through the canal, it strikes the ear drum, due to which vibration is generated.
When sound is vibrated, it moves through the ossicles, increasing the amplitude of the vibration further. The ossicles are made up of three bones which help it in increasing the amplitude. Those three bones are the following:- malleus, incus, stapes. When the amplitude of the vibration of sound increases, it enters the cochlea. The cochlea is a fluid organ. When sound enters the cochlea, the cochlea converts our sound into a signal and sends it to the corpora peduncle. Which is a part of our brain. When the signal reaches our brain, then we understand what that sound is saying or what someone has told us.

Some important notes about ear

Ear is an important sense organ of our body, due to which we are able to hear something or someone. Any sound on the ear stays for 0.1 seconds. The outer part of the ear is called pinna, whose main function is to maintain balance, it is made of cartilage. When a sound enters our ear, the cochlea performs the task of converting it into signals. When our sound is converted into a signal by the cochlea, it is sent to the corpora peduncle which is a part of the brain, due to which we are able to understand the meaning of that sound.

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