5 Different channels of digital marketing who will change your life because digital marketing is the future, The best way digital marketing

Different channels of digital marketing

Today we are going to talk about the different channels of digital marketing which business is or you can use to actually promote business market, your products or services digitally. Now you know what all comes under digital marketing. What are the different ways where you know what are the different platforms, where you can go ahead and marketed products and services? You must have got an idea of different digital platforms available online from my previous notes of from your own experience as well but now we’re going to talk about technically in detail in this notes about the different channels that are available and you know the differences between these channels like you know they should not the overlapping so, the different channels that are available where you can do digital marketing separately you know as an art you know you have to learn them and then you know using science and art together you can actually go ahead and understand and implement digital marketing for all the channels means different channels of digital marketing.

In different channels of digital marketing this is one of them Search engine marketing (SEM):-

SEM stand for search engine marketing. Now what do you mean by search engine marketing what is a search engine so you have used Google, you must have used YouTube as well so, that also a search engine if you didn’t know that. Because search engine is a place where in you go and type some words and search for something that you are looking for. YouTube is also a place where did you go and type in some words and hit enter you to search for something that you are looking for and how is search engine used for marketing. Well, there are two ways to do so the first one is a freeway and second one is the paid way first one is the freeway and the second one is paid way. The freeway is called SEO which stands for search engine optimization. Let me make you understand what do we mean by search engine optimization when you go ahead on Google and you know try to look for something.

5 Different channels of digital marketing who will change your life because digital marketing is the future, The best way digital marketing

Let me go to Google.com lets search for Mahatma Gandhi,  then what Google actually does is Google actually go ahead and shows your number of links, you must experience it but now we’re going to learn about how this actually works how Google works and how these links come up. So, this is what is the intention behind the notes and we are going to learn about in detail but for now you can see here that you know when the search for something these things are called keywords and Google returns these website links. When we call SEO that is search engine optimization, we mean that in order to come up on Google what all things do you need to do, how do you actually need to optimize your website so that Google goes ahead and shows your website in the search results. That is what we call search engine optimization which is a freeway which you can actually go ahead and do it on your website or on your client’s website. now what is this new thing website which I am talking about well that is the topic of a next notes where in you will understand that everything all these different channels are actually linked with a website. So we are complete the first step of the different channels of digital marketing.

In different channels of digital marketing this is one of them Social media marketing (SMM):-

Social media marketing you know it has two methods the free method(SMO) and the paid methods. SO, what do you mean by SMO? SMO stand for social media when we are Optimize our social media profiles as well as our websites in such a manner that people can search for them and when people actually come up on our website and they can actually share the content that we have shared on the social media platforms so that you know a lot of people can actually read what you have in your shared and obviously that will lead to more people sharing your content and more ice to your content. And obviously within the content they must be an objective is that you read the content for so why do we actually read write content that comes in content marketing to talk about that but when we talk about social media optimization it means optimizing your social media profiles as well as our websites for social media so that we can get more and more traffic.

Social media marketing (SMM)

Why have you Digital marketing, to market their products and services, to whom to an audience. Obviously, everything that we are you doing is to build an audience or to reach out to our potential customers and SMO is also one of these strategies that you know you can use to do so and this is a free one just like SEO and it’s going to take a lot of time and with SMO you have a lot of options to choose from obviously from Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Pinterest and there are other social media platforms out there which you can choose to optimize for. So we are complete the second step of the different channels of digital marketing.

In different channels of digital marketing this is one of them Email Marketing:-

Email marketing means reaching out to your potential customers via email and email marketing is huge, email marketing is the heart of online business and digital marketing. We’re going to learn about it that why is it so, but with email you when actually understand that you know email is the most most personal way of communicating. So, you know you can talk to your brand’s personally when the email you can hit the apply button and reach out to them directly.

Email Marketing:

What other people might think about your questions or not,  just like social media you know a lot of people can actually see what you have posted but in email marketing that becomes very personal and email marketing you know give you statistic that there is 3800 % return on investment like if you spend $1 to acquire a lead you can actually make $38 in return from that lead over the lifetime value of that customer email marketing is that use and know personally I say that no business is a business without email marketing because when it comes to different channels of digital marketing there are certain number of resources that you own and email list is one of them. So we are complete the third step of the different channels of digital marketing.

In different channels of digital marketing this is one of them Content Marketing:-

How is content marketing in digital marketing channel what do we mean by that so let me tell you that, with content marketing I am talking specifically about website just like I showed you that the SEO obviously when some persons are searching for something Google show your list of websites and with content marketing what happens. When you create content for your target audience and when you get traffic on that content, so people will obviously turn from strangers into your leads they will start following your content and you know you will get more leads and more customers from your business just by your own website and you know just like I told you that email list is something that you will go on your website is something that you will own your website is something that will own. So, if you make your website famous and then using your website you know you do all these other methods as well you can actually on a lot of money and you know you can you can help a lot of brads with your business when you do the content marketing. So we are complete the fourth step of the different channels of digital marketing.

In different channels of digital marketing this is one of them Affiliate marketing:-

Affiliate marketing means that when you recommend something to people and they buy it using the links that you tell them, they are going to earn of it.

5 Different channels of digital marketing who will change your life because digital marketing is the future The best way digital marketing, In different channels of digital marketing this is one of them

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